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We're back together

Yes, my love. I have returned.
I missed you. I thought about you. But I just did not have time for you. See, I have other loves in my life...much more important ones. I do not mean to offend you or make you feel unworthy of my time (precious as it is...), but I want you to know you have always held a special place in my heart. And so, as Peaches and Herb sing ..."reunited an it feels so gooood," I want to embrace the world of blogging again.
And for you shallow people who thought I was talking about a real person -- boy, you must have never read any of my former blogs! And now you are in for a treat -- or a travesty.

Two things about my blogging that has not changed:
I am entitled to my opinion -- agree with it or not/believe in it or not.
I talk about my faith freely -- I will not apologize for it.

Things that HAVE changed. If you are my friend on Facebook you see pics of the girls all of the time. For the sake of privacy I will not post pics at this time. If you want to see them and I KNOW you -- friend me on Facebook. If you do not get a response, don't be offended, I just have no clue who you are.
Another change -- my triplets and oldest daughter's names have changed. I will refer to them by nicknames -- figure out for yourself who they are. Those who already know the girls will have NO trouble getting this. Everyone else will have to figure it out. Won't that be fun? (sic).
So here is what you have missed about the girls (for those who miss the old blog) OR what you may not know at all about the girls (for newcomers).

She is now 5 years old and as you can see in the name, is still a sweet little princess. My baby girl will start kindergarten at a Christian school in the fall :(.
Ok let's change that to a :).
She is a little smartypants (I contemplated changing the nickname to that...but I figured I should be positive). The kid counts past 100, knows how to pronounce "hypothetical" and can multiply numbers with her hands (small numbers, but hey -- how many five year-olds do that -- let me have my moment). She is very much into jewelry lately and cares about her clothes. She is five, not 15.(sigh).

Funnygirl is the oldest triplet by a minute and used to be quiet and shy. Now she is the household comedian. She does imitations, funny faces, re-enactments and wears sunglasses almost everywhere she goes. The kid is a crack-up. She is very bright and very witty. She says "actually" and understands big people conversations -- and repeats them (sigh). Yes, the triplets will not be 3 until October, but Funnygirl is beyond her years, much like PrincessGrace.

Goldi has had her moments. She is stubborn, that's a fact , BUT is almost potty-trained. WOOT!Today she got to wear her special Abby-Cadabby panties...we have been keeping these things out of reach for a while -- for when she was ready. After three days in a row with dry trainer pants -- mommy said ok. I have no idea right now if she is sitting in a puddle somewhere in the house as I type this.....please, Lord, pull-ups are costing me my retirement! She is much more talkative than she used to be and is Funnygirl's sidekick. Help me, Lord.

Tiny is in love with her taggy blanket. She was the first one potty-trained (at 21 months) but she still has that baby face and that baby desire for a blanket with tags. She chews at those tags day and night. But she is such a good nurturer. She shares well and notices EVERYTHING. If you have a mole behind your ear and it's covered with hair -- Tiny will point it out -- to everyone and shout "You have a boo-boo! Mom, come look! Ew!" So, in advance -- my apologies if she ever does that to you.

For future reference -- I will try not to be ranting and raging mad in this blog. I had another blog once where I commented on politics and news events -- I am prayerfully considering my topics. I will try - TRY to control myself when it comes to the White House and other creepy matters of conversation. (Ooops. sorry.)

Seriously, this is a blog about being a mommy. It may be temporary, so please pray for me. I LVE being a mommy and I want to share my laughter and my tears with people. So many ask me about the girls. There have been so many funny stories since I stopped blogging. So as the girls continue to drive me completely insane, you will read about it. And if I am driven to the point beyond insanity -- the blog will die. Hang tight, everyone, it will be quite a ride!
Let's try this relationship again.


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