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Who is Reading My Story?

Being a mom is hard.
No doubt about it. I have never experienced anything so trying and yet such a blessing rolled into one. Lately I have been asking myself what am I teaching these kids? When I yell at them they are learning to yell at each other. Say what you want about raising your voice to your kids. I believe there are times it is necessary -- in order to startle them from doing something dangerous. But speaking -- and looking into their eyes...I am amazed at how effective that is.
Last week I was assigned a passage of scripture for a devotional I write for. I wrote it and was moving on with my day. And then an incident with FunnyGirl happened. I rewrote it. In a nutshell, FunnyGirl got into my perfume. I wanted to yell at her when I gasped and saw her in my room with open bottles. But instead I asked her what she did. She eventually explained she wanted to be like mommy. I then looked over at my Bible on the rocker. There was pen marks in it. Again, I wanted to gasp in horror but chose to be silent. She excitedly told me she had seen me writing in my Bible (taking notes actually) and she wanted to be like mommy. She then asked me if I would read the Bible with her. How do I yell about that? She is three and very impressionable.
Princess is having a hard time with all of the snow days and no school. She finally had school yesterday. Poor thing is so tempermental with her younger sisters. She yells at them so much when she is frustrated. Hmmm. Wonder where she got that idea for a reaction? I spoke with her and found that it is hard being five and almost six. We spent time preparing for her Bible club (which also has been cancelled due to snow) and she is just in awe of the scripture and has so many questions. God is going to use her I have no doubt. The other day I turned on the weather forecast on TV and the protests in Egypt came on the TV. She immediately said to me in a very adult tone, "Yeah, I know about that. Thos people in Egypt have been like that since Jesus' times, and they keep acting up and that's how they'll always be," she sighed and shook her head. While I have taught her - inadvertently - how to respond in frustration with her sisters (i.e. the rasiing of the voice) she is equipped with something far more important. She has a love for the Bible at nearly 6 years old.
We play a lot of Christian radio around here. The kids love praise and worship at church even though teh triplets are usually glued to someone's hip as we sing along. They really soak it in. Goldie Locks is no exception. I have heard her singing sweetly about Jesus...words to songs she makes up...and dancing like the youth in my drama team I direct. Wow, she is impressionable, too.
Tiny is much like that. She sings too. The kids sang "Come on Ring those Bells" in the Christmas program (well, the triplets stood like statues while everyone else sang!) but at home they sang every word. They loved the line "Jesus we remember it's your birthday." Tiny often asks me, "Is it still Jesus birthday?"
At bedtime when she kisses me good night she tells me from her bed, "Mommy, we remember it's Jesus' birthday. He died for us. Jesus did. Just want you to know that." She then goes back to sucking on her taggy blanket.
You know, there are people out there who think Christian parents feed their kids these lines and the kids have no idea what they are saying/singing. Let me tell you I have not told these kids to say anything like this...they get it on their own. I am so amazed that all I can do is thank God and pray they continue to get it. They will do wonders -- this generation -- far more than my generation -- for the sake of Jesus. I was listening the other day to the old DC Talk song "Jesus Freak." Yes, I am a Jesus freak. People still laugh at that and even wrinkle up their noses like we are insane. Sincerely there was a time early in my life until I was saved that the name "Jesus" freaked me out. I mean, it was almost scary to say it, so instead I said "God." There is power in that name. Most people use the name only to curse. Hearing my children at ages 3 and 5 openly and sweetly saying that name over and over -- without fear or intimidation -- delights me.
There is coming a day when our lives will end. A good inidcation that you will not live in heaven with Jesus is if you answer the question "Will you go to heaven?" this way:
 "I hope so."
There are no I hope so's. It is YES or NO. Why am I sharing this today? Why do I have to "preach" in a blog about my kids?
I do so because I believe  -- but I do not know who - there is someone reading this who has not accepted a life designed by Jesus Christ...and are in misery...a mom with kids...a curious person surfing the web looking for something but not sure just what...
I get a knot in my stomach when somoene passes away and people automatically assume that because that person was "good" that they are "angels" in heaven. The only way that person got to heaven is IF they have accepted Jesus into their life. Scripture declares "If you believe and confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD, you will be Saved."
Be careful how you read that. Saying "Yeah I believe in Jesus," is not IT. Scripture also says people will face Him when they die and He will say "I never knew you." Do you KNOW Him? There is so much more to this life. There is a joy that beats all happiness. Happiness is temporary. Joy is eternal. If you have the urge to close this page because you don't like all of the "religious" talk, then perhaps Satan has you more firmly than you realized. He wants you to stay his...far from the most peaceful life in heaven - ever. Praying for each person who read this today. Again, I have no idea WHO will read it WHEN. But if you want to talk about your faith, send me a message. Look me up on Facebook:Tabitha Goodling-- and message me telling me you want prayer...and I will help you and direct you to wherever you need to go. There are many pastors and Christian leaders who are sincere and not out to condemn you. No one will hold you down and throw the Bible down your throat. No one will yell at you like a mom scolding her child for spilling perfume.
Thank you for reading this blog. And for those of you who know Christ as Savior already, please pray for the readers of the blog. Find a way to reach out to those around you who may be too afraid to reach out to you. Show your light. Remember, like a mom is to a child -- we are not perfect examples, but we can have an impact.


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